Wednesday, December 06, 2006


It is truly a very sad day in this veterans home when he has to listen to the about to be confirmed Secretary of Defense state to Congress that we are not winning in Iraq. How dejected the troops must feel when the greatest and strongest nation in the world sends it bravest and often brightest to war and then tell the world they are losing.

May the Lord Bless You and Keep You Our Young Brave Heroes.

Today a bipartisan panel went before Congress and submitted 79 proposals for Iraq, not one of which mentioned victory.
They did mention using diplomacy. Apparently Secretary Rice failed also.
Then one of the members mentioned that the situation was divisive to the country. Most people I know are agreed that we want to win. People like this panel and the press object and they are the ones who have divided themselves from the rest of us.
They did mention asking for help from the enemy. Iran has already offered help to Iraq. They are very willing to help them by not sending more terrorists and then Iran will of course, as they have done before, offer to help protect and run the country. All financed by money received for their oil from the free world.

The coalition of Iran, Venezuela and North Korea is growing and is financed and supported by business dealings with Russia and China. They grew stronger this week by the results of left leaning elections in several other Latin American countries and by Chavez building his relationship with Cuba.

The enemy is coming and he has the support of some of your neighbors.

Pray for your grandchildren.

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