Saturday, November 04, 2006

Talking to the Republican Base


In the past few years I have had the opportunity to communicate with our Congressman John Mica regarding about 3 projects I have been involved in. Congressman Mica is a very sincere person and a representative we can be proud of. He is always involved with his community and district and is thanked many times by his constituents from both parties for his dedicated service.

I am sorry to say we gave Mica a tough challenge with the redistricting that gave his an area from Jacksonville down the coast to Daytona and across the state almost to Orlando. It is a district equivalent to the distance from New York City to Philadelphia, and it is through this huge district he must campaign for reelection every 2 years and manage many offices in all the population centers he represents.
Mica does not complain and forges ahead with projects that make us all wonder how he manages to overcome all the handicaps in his way and still maintain his pleasant and friendly composure when always willing to listen to a new problem.

With great appreciation I had volunteered to help his staff with whatever I could do to help although handicapped with an aging body. This led to an assignment to make phone calls to the local Republicans from the Republican club office in Palm Coast. I was not able to work too long but in the time I was there I learned many things.

Our Republican base is strong and dedicated.
On call after call I was told they were ready to vote or had already voted in the Florida early voting program and had voted the entire Republican slate of candidates. This revelation was very encouraging after hearing our base was not going to vote. Somewhere I had heard that many independents are switching to Republican voting but I could not confirm this anywhere. However, the comment was that this increase would be offset by the Republican base that was discouraged and would not vote. I did not experience that type of response so I want to encourage everyone to keep working to get out the vote because the pollsters might have a big surprise.

It is also exciting to see the dedicated people who volunteer or work at the offices and keep the party active. I met some great people, was very impressed with the activity and dedication of the staff and I look forward to the Tuesday election with a new, hopeful spirit.
If we could all get one more person out to the polls it would be a great contribution and we are going to surprise each other.

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