Thursday, October 12, 2006


Okay, you are upset and have decided not to vote this year as a protest to those in power. Sort of a non-power display.

I want you to know that I will not give up. I intend to vote. In fact I am giving my pledge to you that I will be there.

My family, as I have constantly reminded you has been there since the founding of the Republican Party. We have seen many failures and most of them did not live to see the party have control of both houses of congress, the presidency and have a big influence on the judicial branch. Until this current condition the opposition always had enough control to block a strong Republican influence.

Sure, I am upset by the actions of various members and the failures that have happened. But I do not want to give up. Hot shots come and go, but it is the plodders who keep plodding away and eventually get the job done. Just think about all of the Mom’s and Dad’s who sacrifice so much to send their children to college, working to give them a better life. So many individuals keep plodding away and it adds to the success of our country and gives it renewed strength.


I will vote and I will encourage as many of my friends as possible to vote.
I will not be swayed by failures that can be corrected. I will push on and work to correct the problems and change those who fail to meet the goals of our party.
I will work for the high ideals of my party. I want less government and more self responsibility.
I will work to help individuals succeed because it is the entrepreneur who gives our country its strength. This includes having a favorable business and investment atmosphere
I will not allow the main stream media to corrupt my outlook. I will not accept poll results based on the influence of the MSM. I will seek the truth.
I will not stop plodding because of some setbacks, instead I will continue to work against those impediments and overcome them.
I pledge to you that I will keep plodding along until we win.
I pledge to you that I will vote.
Please join me.

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