Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I must admit that I am not big on my local newspaper. The code of ethics of the Newspaper Editors group is to give all facts about a story which would mean if different people have different opinions as to what is happening all sides should be presented.
Our founding fathers did not want us to be restricted to the news.
However, like many newspapers our local paper gives only the side of the news that meets its own opinion. We are often denied many facts.

I was interested in a story submitted recently by a former professor of international politics and retired State Department Official who lives locally and submitted a story to our local paper. (The professor is Raymond Platig, PhD)

Supporters of the President have not been pushing changes while opponents have used the status quo as a talking point. I have placed faith in the President and Rumsfeld but I recognize a shift and possible interest in exploring options.

He gave an explanation of three possible options for Iraq based on the current conditions influenced by the sectarian activity.
1. Reposition and possibly increase U.S Troops.
2. A Diplomatic Offensive.
3. Exercise sovereign power in Iraq.
These are worthy options for consideration and discussion and I encourage you to read the original article and voice your opinion. You will find this article at:

I had prepared a possible solution to this and the Iran problem but it is more flamboyant than and not as sophisticated as Dr. Platig’s paper.

Find the article at:

I find John Kerry’s comments today surprising. There are different religious groups in Iraq fighting for power. Kerry says we should not promise long term support and indicate an early pull out. This action would just add to the mess with the warring factions just waiting for us to leave so the strongest can take over. The Bush policy lets them know their struggle will not be tolerated and they need to work together for the good of all the citizens and then we can leave.
The civil bickering does damage our patience and some penalties might be considered. The professor’s thoughts about exercising sovereign power are tempting.

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