Sunday, November 16, 2008



Yes, Republicans and the Republican Party are under daily attack. The most amazing feature of this criticism is that you are being attacked by other Republicans and even fair minded news media such as Fox.

I really cannot understand this! We are being told how badly we failed and that we must rebuild our party and drag ourselves up out of the depths of failure.

As you listen to this continuous onslaught of verbal chatter please stop and put the facts into perspective. For example:

The strongest criticism has been related to the recent election and that election presented many challenges.

The media was about 90% or more in favor of Obama. The amount of publicity provided to Obama was huge and reporter after reporter praised him without investigating his background. The popular late night shows praised Obama and made fun of Bush. You can review the level of bias by visiting the Media Research Center at
The media blasted Bush for years and Bush had a very low approval rate.
When Republicans made major errors it was pointed out they were
Republicans, but when it was a Democrat the press would skip that fact.
Obama was a great communicator and McCain was not as effective.
Obama had
95% of the black vote
67% of the Latino vote.
60% of the moderate vote
66% of the 18-29 year old vote.

He spent a fortune on ads and contributions to him were record breaking; he had strong financial support of Unions special interest groups, the hollywood crowd, the media and active spending groups.

He had a well organized campaign with a strong internet program. He had speeches where he attracted 50 to 100 thousand followers.
Major cities are controlled by liberals and their control of voting and the integrity of machines and voting is unknown in the metropolitan areas. The vote is usually strongly in favor of liberals and irregularities do not receive much concern. However, when Bush made a strong showing in the liberal area of Miami the weaknesses were highlighted and blamed on Bush, when in fact the Democrats had control and responsibility for maintaining a system with integrity.

During the recent election the Republicans did not have a much to spend and feel we did not do as well.

There were 123,576,161 votes with 53.3 percent for Obama and 46.6 percent for McCain. I would have expected, especially with the strong black vote the difference to be double digits, maybe 15 to 20% more for Obama. Dick Morris stated on TV the spread would have been much higher if it had not been for Sarah Palin.

Even with the odds stacked against the Republican Party the difference was only 6.7 percent. Imagine that. If just 3.5% had switched their vote McCain would have won. If we had pulled just 1% each from the black vote, the Latino vote, the independent vote and the younger voter group we would have won. And McCain was not as effective as someone like Reagan, he had a handicap from his age but he did have his time as a prisoner and he did have Sarah Palin. Dick Morris analyzed the vote difference would have been larger if it were not for help from Palin. During the debates Huckabee showed a strong understanding of the issues and connected well with the few questions he was invited to answer. McCain and even Romney looked weak with their lack of connection with the issues raised. Even some of the debates were influenced by the biased questioners who were leaning toward those they expected Obama to defeat.

I also know that with my experience working on campaigns that those who are opposed to a person or a policy have much more passion and work harder to defeat the opposition and usually are more successful in winning elections. Obama had the change issue locked up, he promised to change Washington. McCain had a good program for changing the pork barrel politics of Washington but he could not sell it. He just did not connect. I also doubt that he was open to suggestions or advice or ideas from others as to how to change it.

With the odds against him I feel the Republican Party did a pretty good job of trying to sell McCain against the formidable odds listed above. We did not get beaten by a landslide. Our national committee put up a good fight and you helped maintain a high level of competition and need to be commended.

In the next election we will have the power of being the opposition. Obama cannot possibly deliver on all the promises he made or implied. He is going to lose some of his support. Familiarity might not breed contempt but it can certainly take the edge off admiration and we can expect each group to lose a few votes to our side and if we do all we did this time we can expect to win.

Of course we need change, we need to improve. We vote but then the elected officials are led to the trough by big money lobbyists so I argue that we do not have representation. We must do something about the lobbyists. They are corrupting our government and stealing the representation away from the voters. Shawn Hannity has commented on this. The influence has grown recently by the giving of perks to staff members. If you contact your representatives in congress they might never know you called because a staff member who is receiving gifts might suppress your information. We have to stop this unfair influence. We can do this by providing money for elections or by forcing lobbyists out of business or by law or by competing with them by contributing to a citizens lobbying group.

Let me also mention we have people telling us how they can use the internet to help us solve all our problems and it is enticing. But they are seldom able to perform. The interest in using the internet during the campaign came from young people who were against the Bush program and were fired up against the present regime by the media and they happened to keep connected with the internet.
It was not necessarily the internet; it was the opposition passion within the users. We need to be wary of those who promise to know how to use the internet and get us to back them and place our resources with them.

In the next elections it will all change. We will be the opposition party, we will have the passion to change from Obama’s failed promises and offer our own solutions and by then Governor Palin will be a leader and will express our viewpoint for us. We do not know how powerful she will become or if someone else will rise to the top. But we do have an exciting future ahead.

There are a few among us who have the interest and desire to guide our party in the right direction. We are a big party and have many viewpoints to include, not just the conservative branch. Recently Deputy Governor Michael Steele has expressed an interest. He is a good man and I do not oppose his efforts. I would like to say that when people we listen to like O’Reilly say they do not know who our present leader is it bothers me. We should thank the Republican National Committee and its Chairman Mr. Duncan and we should thank the Republican Congressional Committee and its Chairman Mr. Cole for their hard work and for bringing us so close to success under such formidable obstacles as I have listed. And we must ask them to continue to work to pull the underhanded pork barrel politics including earmarks out of our government.

In closing I would like to repeat a statement I made in the past to try to gain your support for helping to make our party a success.

I have been alive for almost 40% of the life of our country. One of my ancestors was one of the first officials in the Pomona area of New Amsterdam that became New Jersey. Another ancestor was involved in the grass roots movement to end slavery which began with the forming of the Republican Party. I went with my Dad to hand out flyers for Tom Dewey when he ran against Franklin Delano Roosevelt. I became the youngest Mayor of my community when I defeated a Democrat and then successfully campaigned for other Republicans. I helped plan and worked in several campaigns at all levels.
I feel sad that my Dad could not be alive to see us have control of the presidency and both houses of congress but glad he did not have to witness the self destruction of that great achievement by our own party groveling in earmarks and lobbyists lavish gifts.
I must beg of all of you to honor our ancestors and their dreams. Give thanks to all of those who have helped us succeed and condemn those who have soiled our objectives. I thank you so much. To those of you who have done damage to our policies and objectives I ask you to reform or help us to successfully replace you.

Reference to previous blog concerning help wanted for honest government:

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