Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Research the Military in Iraq then go Blog


I wonder if you really have your own opinion. You are being fed distorted information from a biased media and someone asks you how you feel. You do what most people do and that is repeat back the headlines from newspapers or leads from media shows and all are designed to get you to look at their show or buy their paper.

No one really cares what you think or if you are really informed.

If they did care they would tell you all the news and how all sides feel, not just their own input.

If you really care about Iraq read the various viewpoints about Iraq and look at the reports giving the actual happenings in Iraq. A great starting point is to visit Hugh Hewitt’s blog site and read the posting by Dean Barnett. He gives a great easy reading viewpoint of the issues. Check it out at the address below.

Dean talks about the decision of NBC to call the current situation in Iraq a Civil War. Last night on Hannity and Colmes Brent Bozell of Media Research reported that the definition of a civil war would not cover the present situation where members of the existing government are fighting.

Dean says call it what you want. It is still a problem.

Recently Kissinger said we could not win a military victory in Iraq. I think we could argue with this viewpoint. We have a very strong military, Google the military count we have and you will find over 800,000 in the military. As the Godfather pointed out the military is trained to maim and kill. If our military were turned loose in Iraq they could destroy most everything and everyone there in a few days. We could win but we are a compassionate nation. We are fighting for a compassionate peace using a police action. Our killer troops are not trained to do police work so we have to move slower and take more casualties.

Enough of my comments. Read a great article by Dean Barnett.

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