Sunday, December 16, 2007


I have received some of those solicitations recently that are interesting letters, well written and promising big income as a result of buying someones books or tapes.

I believe I could write a short letter type proposal to you that would give you a huge increase in your income and you do not have to buy anything or do anything other than to ask for the program. If you would like more income than please read this.


A new government program would pay you $188.00 per month, for you and your wife it would be $376.00 per month. If you have 3 children it jumps to
$571.00 a month and if your Mother in Law (or 4th child) lives with you it goes to $636.00 per month raising your income by $7,600 per year.

It is no gimmick, I am not asking you for any money to reveal this secret to you and it is a legal program with broad support. The program was the result of some of the “We the People” in our constitution being fed up with the government handling of our finances so this group of “We the People” raised over a million dollars and hired some of our nations finest accountants and economists and asked them to develop a program that would help everyone, help lower income families the most, help our economy, renew our leadership in innovation, save our Social Security program and stabilize low interest rates.

The good and generous group that donated the money for this project did us a big favor and the results were amazing. They have developed a plan to do all of the above. Plus, it will bring off shore investment back to our shores.

Now, I just told you about a small part of the program. As you can see above everyone will get from about $4,000 a year to about $8,000 a year increase in income. But there is even more. Let’s say you and your wife earn about $50,000 per year. In this program you could receive another $10,000 per year as a result of the changes this program will bring.

So far I have shown you above how you can increase your total annual income by almost $20,000 and I have told you it is very easy to obtain. So if you would like a $20,000 a year raise you only have to do one thing. It is very easy. You just have to “ ask for the program”.
You don’t have to pay any fees or take a course or commit to hours of extra work or listen to tapes or hold parties where you sell things or pester your friends to buy a product. Nope. You just have to “ask for the program”.

I am going to give you a web site where you can go and read about this great wealth you can receive and it will tell you how you can request the program.
Go to this free site and you do not have to buy anything, just read what they say.
The site is

OK, you are curious and you want some details. Here is a quick summary.

The accountants and economists and attorneys who worked on this studied our current tax system. They discovered that it could be reorganized and it would save the government bundles of cash plus it could raise enough money for the government to operate. One of the tricky secrets they discovered is that business and corporations do not pay taxes. Well, they send the money in but it is money you pay them for their taxes so you pay it they do not. Let’s say you buy a new cell phone for $100.00. That cell phone should sell for about $78.00 but all the companies that make that phone pay taxes of about $22.00 so they sell their $78.00 phone for $100 and you pay the taxes.

These numbers and dollars gurus figured out if they eliminated the IRS the cell phones and everything else you buy would drop in price through competition. The companies are happy, they make as much because they are not being taxed. Now, the government tells everybody who is selling things to include $23.00 in consumption or sales taxes and send it to the government. Most retail people are already collecting sales taxes so this is just one more check for them to send.

Do you see the magic these numbers gurus have discovered? You are paying almost the same price for new products, you do not pay any income taxes so you get your whole pay check (see the $10,000 above)and at the beginning of each month Washington is going to send you the sales tax you will pay for your basic necessities (see the $188 to $700 plus above). If you are a little tight go to a garage sale and buy used items, the tax only applies to new items and because of the prebate it only applies to non-essential items..

Tens of thousands of us have already signed a petition asking for the program. If you want it you have to “just ask for it” by signing the petition also.
There are at least 3 candidates for president who support this program. There are about 65 congressional members who have pledged to co-sign the bill. It is going to happen but it depends on you as to how fast it is adopted.

There is probably an introductory program being offered in your community, maybe at the local library. There are books you can read and loads of information at the web site.

Please join me now, I want to help start spending or saving our new increased income.

The fine print:
There are some people who do not want this program and they will resist until “We the People” show we are strongly in favor of this program. The people who do not want it are some in congress who want the power of unlimited taxation; often they cloud the issue by offering partial tax exemptions for selected items which gives them the power to accept special lobbying perks and bonuses like trips and campaign finance advantages. The lobbyists and many attorneys are afraid of losing their jobs. We feel there is lots of work available for them showing everyone how to invest their new income and putting their efforts for expansion. I questioned how this program could finance the government when taxes from individuals plus corporations would be eliminated. At the web site I found studies showing how the expansion of the consumption tax without exemptions will more than fund our needs. Many types of consumers who avoid paying taxes will be supporting us and our new expansion will help. Read at the web site or one of the books about the program. Then “just ask for it”.