Salary range is $168,500 to $212,000. A generous office budget is provided.
Generous retirement benefits, up to 80% of base salary.
Your duties will be to represent your state for 6 years as a senator or represent the citizens of your district for 2 years.
You may run for reelection at the end of each term.
The citizens who elect you expect you to give their needs and safety the highest priority.
If you place the wishes of lobby groups or those who offer large contributions above the voters you might not be re-elected.
You are asked to understand and believe in the constitution of the United States and support its directives and in rare cases update them.
You are expected to hold hearings and pass legislation that will remove the influence of large cash contributions and lobbying pressures on members of congress. You will evaluate the possibility of federal financing of campaigns.
You will hold hearings and find ways to reform the complex federal tax code.
You are expected to speak truthfully to your constituents and not mislead them with statements that benefit you or your campaign at the expense of constituents.
When you approve increases in your retirement above $11,000 per month remember the people who voted for you must exist on $1,000 per month.
You will show respect for the office and conduct yourself in a manner that is of the highest standards.
To apply, register with your local office of the political party you prefer. If you do not receive support from your party, help us to elect members who agree to the above principles and this will force your party to recognize your ideals.